Tuesday, July 20, 2010

things I'm doing

I've become motivated to finally do something with the photos I have taken. I had the idea about a sign book before I saw the book I Judge You When You Use Poor Grammar, but unfortunately, they beat me to actually getting it published. I have been taking photos of misspelled or confusing signs for as long as I can remember, but I've never done anything with them except add them to my Facebook album. When I saw the Judging book in Joseph-Beth the other day, it made me realize that my idea could actually be accomplished, so it's time to get the photos organized, get them captioned, and get them published!

Does anyone have any suggestions as to where I can go to get my (future) book published? What company to use, etc.? I am a perfectionist, so it has to be done correctly and look professional, while being economical to create. I'll probably try the Writer's Market books for some ideas, but does anyone know a local company who could do this? Thanks!

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